Chrome Plating
Chrome Plating is used for both decorative
and engineering purposes. We provide the service of applying
chrome for decorative purposes only.
It is an excellent choice as the final plating
over nickel. The nickel provides the color, brightness, and
depth required for a beautiful bright reflective finish, but
it will oxidize if not protected from the atmosphere. Chrome
is used as a final protective layer in the decorative chrome
plating process and is applied as a very thin layer generally
no more than .00003 of an inch thick.
During the 1950's chrome was king as its
use in the automobile industry defined a unique era. Today
chrome plating is not as freely used as it would be cost prohibitive
to produce such mega chrome vehicles.
Environmental concerns and regulations have
contributed to the increased cost as well as the alternative
use of other materials in place of chrome where acceptable.
With all this in mind, it is still an excellent
choice as it is widely used in the appliance, tool, fastener,
medical, hardware, and valve manufacturing industries.